Has recent adverse weather conditions had an impact on Your Business?

Well its official, winter is upon us and already the weather is having an impact on thousands of businesses across the country. Lost productivity and more importantly revenue, will see further pressure on the small business community. If it wasn’t competitive enough out there already now we have to contend with the possibility of;

Transport services being effected!

Staff coming in late or sometimes not at all!

Deadlines being missed!

Meetings being cancelled!

And revenues being down!

But it isn’t like that for everyone out there…

For companies that have deployed a cloud based telephone system it has been business as usual. That’s because with a Cloud based telephone system staff are able to login remotely, in the comfort and warmth of their own home, work and take calls as normal.


Cloud telephone system


That’s just one of the many advantages of having a cloud based telephone system.

Others include no more line rental, cheaper calls, automated menus, an easy to use admin interface, and so many more benefits all as standard.

Maybe your a business owner, or working in the finance, sales or customer service department of your business and have been affected by the weather conditions this year or in previous years.

Why not take some time and call one of the team on 016510699, or email sales@coreconnect.ie and discover how we can help your business.

Its a no obligation call and it could save you thousands this winter.